Our School

Northumberland Regional High School is a comprehensive school designed to meet the educational needs of a variety of learners. Officially opened in 2003, NRHS offers curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs that focus on a number of opportunities and choices for students to improve their learning and enhance their lifestyles.

Curricular opportunities at NRHS include CEP (Career Exploration Program), academic courses, open-level courses, graduation-level courses, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program of study.

Our school colours are red, black and white. Our mascot is a nighthawk whose name is Squawk and whose birthday is celebrated each year on June 6.

NRHS Building

Guiding Principals

Our school uses restorative approaches in working with our school community members—from students and staff to parents/guardians, we believe in building strong, positive relationships with one another in order to work towards increasing student achievement. NRHS students and staff are committed to providing students with a safe, respectful learning environment: We believe everyone has the right to learn and the responsibility to respect the rights of others. Who we are & what we do...

  1. We are courteous, respectful and considerate at all times.

  2. We are an inclusive community, valuing each other's differences.

  3. We arrive to school ready to learn: on time for class and with all the necessary materials.

  4. We speak respectfully. We do not put down, harass or intimidate others.

  5. We respect all property inside and outside the building and our surrounding community.

  6. We use technology appropriately and when it serves to enhance or support the learning experience.

  7.  We strive to be positive school, community and global citizens.

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